3 short classes you can do from your office:
- Wednesday, 3/3 @ noon - EōS Yoga with Mandy Brunson
- EoS Yoga - The beauty of participating in a regular yoga practice is that you will help transform your mind and body, ultimately helping you find inner calmness and peace. Over time you will feel more centered internally, and externally your strength, balance, flexibility and stability will increase. Namaste.
- Wednesday, 3/17 @ noon - EōS Dance Party with Maria Denman
- EoS Dance Party - Dancing is a terrific way to chisel the body, scorch fat, and build your confidence and coordination all at the same time. When you are able to get “lost in the music” and just dance like nobody’s watching, that’s when you are able to have the best time! Working out has never been such a party! Don’t be shy – give it a shot!
- Wednesday, 3/31 @ noon - Total Fitness with Mandy Brunson
- Total Fitness - A little bit of this, a little bit of that! In this class, variety is the spice of life! The workout routines will change often to keep your body wondering what will happen next. This class will chisel the body with a focus on strength and cardio, but you won’t even realize how hard you’re working because the time will just fly by! Get ‘totally fit” in Total Fitness!